ANeko skin black2

by Axo



virtual pet style pixel art

REQUIERE TENER INSTALADO PRIMERO LA APLICACION: ANEKONo requiere ningun permisoNo consume espacio ni memoriaNo estorba ni afecta al tocar la pantalla de tu dispositivo.*aclaracion: -NO ES NINGUNA CLASE DE JUEGO NI ESTILO TAMAGOTCHI-SOLAMENTE ES UN ADORNO-tiene animaciones muy sencillas y limitadas como pueden ser correr, comer, dormir, y hacer algunas gracias propias de la mascota. puedes conservarlo activo todo el tiempo o mandarlo a dormir al area de notificacion sin tener que desinstalarlo.REQUIRED HAVE INSTALLED FIRST APPLICATION: ANEKOIt does not require any permissionNot consume memory space orNot hinder or affect the touch screen of your device.*clarification:-NO IS ANY KIND OF GAME OR STYLE TAMAGOTCHI-Only IS A MOTIF-has very simple and limited animations as they can be run, eat, sleep, and do some own pet thank you.You can keep active all the time or send him to sleep in the notification area without having to uninstall it.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Nice kitty.

Agustin de la puente

Good skin! (Free skins plz)

Edward Jackson

I like the game but I really want me to know how do you bring the cat on your screen 🤔


this is a really good skin like really good

Euan Kristoff Gerardo

Love it

Alrica Neshama

The black aneko matches my device's dark mode - black with green accents. Can you please make a Siamese? They're my favourite cats!


I love this app I got it because I have a black cat named BlackBerry so anytime I'm on the go I can see the black cat and think of him I a great app and u can start easily thx 4 making this app😍😘


This is adorable. But could create other skins, such as a monkey or at-at. That would make this even better than it already is.


I love black kitties they are SO CUTE this skin is awesome!

A Google user

Love it~

Rune Tambridge